Alexis Kolbe & Rylee

Alexis Kolbe & Rylee

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Rich Melinda Alexis Kolbe Hall

Hall Family-

We live in Loagn, UT currently a family of four, we are expecting our third in March.

Rich is currently working for IHC and is very successful in his career, He manages acceleration, Physical therapy, Canyon View Orthapedic, and many more. He loves to cover any athletic event including Rodeos. I am so proud of him and all that he has done for our Family. He is a great dad. Rich is very interactive with the kids and loves to rough house with them. He especially enjoys taking us all to the athletic events :)

Melinda - I am a stay at home mom YIKES! it is very busy, 24/7 I also teach at Alexis's preschool twice a week. I have enjoyed being involved with her school and see what she does. I love to spend time with my kids and most of all Rich. we love to be together as a family.

Alexis is 5 and is in Preschool at the Sports Academy. She is a very smart girl, she loves to swim, gymnastics, dance and sing. She loves to help mom out with her brother, she takes good care of him. Alexis also like to go snow skiing with her mom. She is excited to take Kolbe this year :)

Kolbe is 2.5 will be 3 in November. He is our little Athlete. He loves baseball, basketball and football and pretty much anything with a ball :) He is very active and very good at all these sports. I can't wait to put him in some leagues! He is excited to be a big brother, he is full of his dad's humor, very funny and just loveable. He also had the biggest heart. He knows how to bat his eyes to get what he wants.

Our family is growing, we had our ultra sound yesturday for the baby and everything looks great and healthy. we are excited to find out what it is, which will be in March :)

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